
Understanding the 22 Major Arcana Tarot Cards: A Comprehensive Guide

The Major Arcana cards are the most influential in a tarot deck, representing significant life events, lessons, and archetypes. This article will provide an in-depth look at the 22 Major Arcana tarot cards, their meanings, and how they appear in readings.

What Are the 22 Major Arcana Cards?

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each with its unique symbolism and meaning. These cards include:

  1. The Fool – New beginnings, spontaneity, and innocence.
  2. The Magician – Skill, manifestation, and resourcefulness.
  3. The High Priestess – Intuition, mystery, and the subconscious mind.
  4. The Empress – Fertility, abundance, and nurturing.
  5. The Emperor – Authority, structure, and control.
  6. The Hierophant – Tradition, spirituality, and education.
  7. The Lovers – Relationships, choices, and harmony.
  8. The Chariot – Determination, victory, and willpower.
  9. Strength – Courage, persuasion, and compassion.
  10. The Hermit – Introspection, solitude, and guidance.
  11. Wheel of Fortune – Fate, cycles, and changes.
  12. Justice – Fairness, truth, and law.
  13. The Hanged Man – Suspension, release, and new perspectives.
  14. Death – Transformation, endings, and new beginnings.
  15. Temperance – Balance, patience, and moderation.
  16. The Devil – Bondage, materialism, and addiction.
  17. The Tower – Upheaval, revelation, and sudden change.
  18. The Star – Hope, inspiration, and serenity.
  19. The Moon – Illusion, fear, and the unconscious.
  20. The Sun – Success, vitality, and joy.
  21. Judgement – Rebirth, inner calling, and absolution.
  22. The World – Completion, accomplishment, and travel.

For a detailed list and descriptions of each card, visit this link.

Major Arcana Cards in Readings

3 Major Arcana Cards in a Reading

When three Major Arcana cards appear in a reading, it signifies significant influences and events. This combination often highlights important life lessons and transformative experiences.

4 Major Arcana Cards in a Reading

Having four Major Arcana cards in a spread suggests that the querent is going through a period of profound change. This reading emphasizes that key life areas are being affected simultaneously.

6 Major Arcana Cards in a Reading

Six Major Arcana cards indicate a powerful and pivotal moment in life. It suggests that the querent is undergoing a transformative period with lasting impacts.

8 Major Arcana Cards in a Reading

When eight Major Arcana cards show up, it implies a deep, life-altering process. This scenario often points to significant spiritual or personal development.

Major Arcana Cards and Zodiac Signs

Each Major Arcana card is associated with a zodiac sign, providing deeper insights when reading for astrological guidance. For instance:

  • The Emperor represents Aries.
  • The Hierophant corresponds to Taurus.
  • The Lovers are linked with Gemini.
  • The Chariot is associated with Cancer.
  • Strength aligns with Leo.
  • The Hermit is related to Virgo.
  • Justice corresponds to Libra.
  • Death is associated with Scorpio.
  • Temperance aligns with Sagittarius.
  • The Devil represents Capricorn.
  • The Star is linked with Aquarius.
  • The Moon corresponds to Pisces.

For a complete guide on how these cards relate to zodiac signs, visit this link.

Interpreting Major Arcana Cards

Yes or No Questions

Major Arcana cards can also be used for yes or no questions. For example:

  • The Sun typically means «yes.»
  • The Tower often signifies «no.»
  • The Hanged Man might indicate a need for patience or reevaluation.

Gemini Tarot Card Major Arcana

Gemini is represented by The Lovers card, symbolizing duality, choices, and harmony. This card’s appearance in a Gemini reading underscores themes of unity and decision-making.


The 22 Major Arcana cards are central to understanding tarot readings. Each card holds a profound meaning, influencing the overall interpretation of a spread. Whether you encounter a few or many Major Arcana cards in a reading, their presence highlights significant themes and messages in your life. For more detailed interpretations and guidance, explore the resources available here.

By familiarizing yourself with the Major Arcana, you can gain deeper insights and more accurate readings, enriching your tarot practice and spiritual journey.

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